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MLS-C01 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

A Data Scientist is working on an application that performs sentiment analysis. The validation accuracy is poor and the Data Scientist thinks that the cause may be a rich vocabulary and a low average frequency of words in the dataset

Which tool should be used to improve the validation accuracy?


Amazon Comprehend syntax analysts and entity detection


Amazon SageMaker BlazingText allow mode


Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) stemming and stop word removal


Scikit-learn term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) vectorizers

Question # 2

A data scientist stores financial datasets in Amazon S3. The data scientist uses Amazon Athena to query the datasets by using SQL.

The data scientist uses Amazon SageMaker to deploy a machine learning (ML) model. The data scientist wants to obtain inferences from the model at the SageMaker endpoint However, when the data …. ntist attempts to invoke the SageMaker endpoint, the data scientist receives SOL statement failures The data scientist's 1AM user is currently unable to invoke the SageMaker endpoint

Which combination of actions will give the data scientist's 1AM user the ability to invoke the SageMaker endpoint? (Select THREE.)


Attach the AmazonAthenaFullAccess AWS managed policy to the user identity.


Include a policy statement for the data scientist's 1AM user that allows the 1AM user to perform the sagemaker: lnvokeEndpoint action,


Include an inline policy for the data scientist’s 1AM user that allows SageMaker to read S3 objects


Include a policy statement for the data scientist's 1AM user that allows the 1AM user to perform the sagemakerGetRecord action.


Include the SQL statement "USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION ml_function_name" in the Athena SQL query.


Perform a user remapping in SageMaker to map the 1AM user to another 1AM user that is on the hosted endpoint.

Question # 3

Acybersecurity company is collecting on-premises server logs, mobile app logs, and loT sensor data. The company backs up the ingested data in an Amazon S3 bucket and sends the ingested data to Amazon OpenSearch Service for further analysis. Currently, the company has a custom ingestion pipeline that is running on Amazon EC2 instances. The company needs to implement a new serverless ingestion pipeline that can automatically scale to handle sudden changes in the data flow.

Which solution will meet these requirements MOST cost-effectively?


Create two Amazon Data Firehose delivery streams to send data to the S3 bucket and OpenSearch Service. Configure the data sources to send data to the delivery streams.


Create one Amazon Kinesis data stream. Create two Amazon Data Firehose delivery streams to send data to the S3 bucket and OpenSearch Service. Connect the delivery streams to the data stream. Configure the data sources to send data to the data stream.


Create one Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream to send data to OpenSearch Service. Configure the delivery stream to back up the raw data to the S3 bucket. Configure the data sources to send data to the delivery stream.


Create one Amazon Kinesis data stream. Create one Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream to send data to OpenSearch Service. Configure the delivery stream to back up the data to the S3 bucket. Connect the delivery stream to the data stream. Configure the data sources to send data to the data stream.

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TESTED 20 Feb 2025