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Amazon Web Services DOP-C02 Exam Dumps - Actual Questions Answers

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DOP-C02 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

A company wants to set up a continuous delivery pipeline. The company stores application code in a private GitHub repository. The company needs to deploy the application components to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). Amazon EC2, and AWS Lambda. The pipeline must support manual approval actions.

Which solution will meet these requirements?


Use AWS CodePipeline with Amazon ECS. Amazon EC2, and Lambda as deploy providers.


Use AWS CodePipeline with AWS CodeDeploy as the deploy provider.


Use AWS CodePipeline with AWS Elastic Beanstalk as the deploy provider.


Use AWS CodeDeploy with GitHub integration to deploy the application.

Question # 2

A company has a guideline that every Amazon EC2 instance must be launched from an AMI that the company's security team produces Every month the security team sends an email message with the latest approved AMIs to all the development teams.

The development teams use AWS CloudFormation to deploy their applications. When developers launch a new service they have to search their email for the latest AMIs that the security department sent. A DevOps engineer wants to automate the process that the security team uses to provide the AMI IDs to the development teams.

What is the MOST scalable solution that meets these requirements?


Direct the security team to use CloudFormation to create new versions of the AMIs and to list! the AMI ARNs in an encrypted Amazon S3 object as part of the stack's Outputs Section Instruct the developers to use a cross-stack reference to load the encrypted S3 object and obtain the most recent AMI ARNs.


Direct the security team to use a CloudFormation stack to create an AWS CodePipeline pipeline that builds new AMIs and places the latest AMI ARNs in an encrypted Amazon S3 object as part of the pipeline output Instruct the developers to use a cross-stack reference within their own CloudFormation template to obtain the S3 object location and the most recent AMI ARNs.


Direct the security team to use Amazon EC2 Image Builder to create new AMIs and to place the AMI ARNs as parameters in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store Instruct the developers to specify a parameter of type SSM in their CloudFormation stack to obtain the most recent AMI ARNs from Parameter Store.


Direct the security team to use Amazon EC2 Image Builder to create new AMIs and to create an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic so that every development team can receive notifications. When the development teams receive a notification instruct them to write an AWS Lambda function that will update their CloudFormation stack with the most recent AMI ARNs.

Question # 3

A company needs a strategy for failover and disaster recovery of its data and application. The application uses a MySQL database and Amazon EC2 instances. The company requires a maximum RPO of 2 hours and a maximum RTO of 10 minutes for its data and application at all times.

Which combination of deployment strategies will meet these requirements? (Select TWO.)


Create an Amazon Aurora Single-AZ cluster in multiple AWS Regions as the data store. Use Aurora's automatic recovery capabilities in the event of a disaster.


Create an Amazon Aurora global database in two AWS Regions as the data store. In the event of a failure, promote the secondary Region to the primary for the application. Update the application to use the Aurora cluster endpoint in the secondary Region.


Create an Amazon Aurora cluster in multiple AWS Regions as the data store. Use a Network Load Balancer to balance the database traffic in different Regions.


Set up the application in two AWS Regions. Use Amazon Route 53 failover routing that points to Application Load Balancers in both Regions. Use health checks and Auto Scaling groups in each Region.


Set up the application in two AWS Regions. Configure AWS Global Accelerator to point to Application Load Balancers (ALBs) in both Regions. Add both ALBs to a single endpoint group. Use health checks and Auto Scaling groups in each Region.

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Amazon Web Services DOP-C02 Exam Dumps FAQs

1. What is the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional (DOP-C02) Exam?

The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional (DOP-C02) exam showcases individuals’ technical expertise in provisioning, operating, and managing distributed application systems on the AWS platform. Passing this exam increases confidence and credibility with peers, stakeholders, and customers.

2. Who should take the Amazon Web Services DOP-C02 Exam?

The Amazon Web Services DOP-C02 DOP-C02 exam is intended for individuals with at least two years of experience in provisioning, operating, and managing AWS environments. Prerequisites include knowledge of high-level programming languages, automated infrastructures, and modern development and operations processes.

3. What topics are covered in the DOP-C02 Exam?

The DOP-C02 exam covers a broad range of DevOps concepts on AWS, including:

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with tools like AWS CloudFormation and AWS CDK
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) with AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild
  • Configuration Management with AWS Systems Manager (SSM) and AWS Config
  • Security and Compliance for DevOps workflows
  • Monitoring, Logging, and Alerting with Amazon CloudWatch

4. How many questions are there in the DOP-C02 Exam?

The DOP-C02 exam consists of 75 questions, which can be either multiple-choice or multiple-response.

5. What is the passing score for the DOP-C02 Exam?

The passing score for the DOP-C02 exam is 750 out of 1000 points.

6. How long is the DOP-C02 Exam?

You have 180 minutes (3 hours) to complete the DOP-C02 exam.

7. What is the difference between the Amazon Web Services DOP-C02 and SAP-C02 Certification Exams?

The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional (SAP-C02) and AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional (DOP-C02) exams have distinct focuses:

  • SAP-C02 Exam: The SAP-C02 Exam validates advanced knowledge in designing complex solutions on AWS, optimizing security, cost, and performance, and automating processes.
  • DOP-C02 Exam: The DOP-C02 Exam verifies expertise in deploying, operating, and managing distributed systems and services on AWS.

8. How can DumpsMate help me prepare for the AWS DOP-C02 Exam?

DumpsMate offers comprehensive study materials, including DOP-C02 PDF questions, testing engine and study guide. Our DOP-C02 study materials come with detailed explanations to help you understand the concepts and prepare effectively for the exam.

9. Are the practice questions on DumpsMate similar to the actual DOP-C02 exam questions?

Yes, DumpsMate's practice questions are designed to simulate the actual DOP-C02 exam questions. This helps you become familiar with the exam format and types of questions you will encounter.

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Yes, DumpsMate's DOP-C02 study materials are accessible on multiple devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. This allows you to study conveniently anytime and anywhere.

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TESTED 20 Feb 2025