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Amazon Web Services DVA-C02 Exam Dumps - Actual Questions Answers

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  • Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
  • Questions: 344 questions with Expert Explanation
  • Single Choice: 312 Q&A's
  • Multiple Choice: 32 Q&A's
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DVA-C02 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

A company has an application that uses Amazon Cognito user pools as an identity provider. The company must secure access to user records. The company has set up multi-factor authentication (MFA). The company also wants to send a login activity notification by email every time a user logs in.

What is the MOST operationally efficient solution that meets this requirement?


Create an AWS Lambda function that uses Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) to send the email notification. Add an Amazon API Gateway API to invoke the function. Call the API from the client side when login confirmation is received.


Create an AWS Lambda function that uses Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) to send the email notification. Add an Amazon Cognito post authentication Lambda trigger for the function.


Create an AWS Lambda function that uses Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) to send the email notification. Create an Amazon CloudWatch Logs log subscription filter to invoke the function based on the login status.


Configure Amazon Cognito to stream all logs to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. Create an AWS Lambda function to process the streamed logs and to send the email notification based on the login status of each user.

Question # 2

A company is building a scalable data management solution by using AWS services to improve the speed and agility of development. The solution will ingest large volumes of data from various sources and will process this data through multiple business rules and transformations.

The solution requires business rules to run in sequence and to handle reprocessing of data if errors occur when the business rules run. The company needs the solution to be scalable and to require the least possible maintenance.

Which AWS service should the company use to manage and automate the orchestration of the data flows to meet these requirements?


AWS Batch


AWS Step Functions


AWS Glue


AWS Lambda

Question # 3

A developer is building a microservice that uses AWS Lambda to process messages from an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) standard queue. The Lambda function calls external APIs to enrich the SOS message data before loading the data into an Amazon Redshift data warehouse. The SOS queue must handle a maximum of 1.000 messages per second.

During initial testing, the Lambda function repeatedly inserted duplicate data into the Amazon Redshift table. The duplicate data led to a problem with data analysis. All duplicate messages were submitted to the queue within 1 minute of each other.

How should the developer resolve this issue?


Create an SOS FIFO queue. Enable message deduplication on the SOS FIFO queue.


Reduce the maximum Lambda concurrency that the SOS queue can invoke.


Use Lambda's temporary storage to keep track of processed message identifiers.


Configure a message group ID for every sent message. Enable message deduplication on the SQS standard queue.

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I couldn't have asked for better support than what DumpsMate provided for the DVA-C02 exam. Their study materials were comprehensive, and the detailed explanations helped clarify complex AWS concepts. Thanks to DumpsMate, I passed the exam with ease!

Sophia - Posted on 27-Oct-2024

DumpsMate's verified questions answers for the DVA-C02 exam were outstanding! The study guides were easy to follow, and the practice questions were incredibly helpful in reinforcing key concepts. With DumpsMate's assistance, I passed the exam on my first attempt!

James - Posted on 22-Oct-2024

Thanks to DumpsMate, I was able to conquer the DVA-C02 exam with confidence! Their study materials were well-structured, and the simulated exams provided a realistic exam experience. Highly recommended for anyone preparing for this challenging exam!

Abigail - Posted on 02-Oct-2024

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Amazon Web Services DVA-C02 Exam Dumps FAQs

1. What is the Amazon Web Services DVA-C02 Exam?

The Amazon Web Services DVA-C02 exam is a certification that showcases knowledge and understanding of core AWS services, uses, and basic AWS architecture best practices, and proficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications by using AWS.

2. What is the format of the Amazon Web Services DVA-C02 Exam?

The Amazon Web Services DVA-C02 exam features a combination of two question formats: multiple choice and multiple response. 

3. What are the key skills tested in the Amazon Web Services DVA-C02 Exam?

The Amazon Web Services DVA-C02 exam  covers four main domains:

  • Developing on AWS: Includes knowledge of core services like EC2, S3, Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway.
  • Designing and building serverless applications: Tests your understanding of serverless architectures, event-driven development, and AWS services like Lambda and SQS.
  • Securing and monitoring applications: Assesses your ability to implement security best practices, manage IAM roles, and monitor application performance using CloudWatch.
  • Troubleshooting and optimizing applications: Evaluates your skills in debugging issues, optimizing resource utilization, and scaling applications.

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While having some hands-on experience with AWS is beneficial, it's not mandatory. DumpsMate's comprehensive study materials, including DVA-C02 practice questions and exam dumps, can equip you with the necessary knowledge even if you're a beginner.

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  • Up-to-date DVA-C02 study guide: A complete overview of the exam syllabus with detailed explanations and real-world examples.
  • Extensive DVA-C02 practice questions: Hundreds of realistic exam-style questions to test your knowledge and identify areas for improvement.
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TESTED 20 Feb 2025