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  • Last Update: Feb 17, 2025
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SOA-C02 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

You need to update an existing AWS CloudFormation stack. If needed, a copy to the CloudFormation template is available in an Amazon SB bucket named cloudformation-bucket

1. Use the us-east-2 Region for all resources.

2. Unless specified below, use the default configuration settings.

3. update the Amazon EQ instance named Devinstance by making the following changes to the stack named 1700182:

a) Change the EC2 instance type to us-east-t2.nano.

b) Allow SSH to connect to the EC2 instance from the IP address range

c) Replace the instance profile IAM role with IamRoleB.

4. Deploy the changes by updating the stack using the CFServiceR01e role.

5. Edit the stack options to prevent accidental deletion.

6. Using the output from the stack, enter the value of the Prodlnstanceld in the text box below:

Question # 2

A webpage is stored in an Amazon S3 bucket behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB). Configure the SS bucket to serve a static error page in the event of a failure at the primary site.

1. Use the us-east-2 Region for all resources.

2. Unless specified below, use the default configuration settings.

3. There is an existing hosted zone named lab- that contains an A record with a simple routing policy that routes traffic to an existing ALB.

4. Configure the existing S3 bucket named as a static hosted website using the object named index.html as the index document

5. For the index-html object, configure the S3 ACL to allow for public read access. Ensure public access to the S3 bucketjs allowed.

6. In Amazon Route 53, change the A record for domain to a primary record for a failover routing policy. Configure the record so that it evaluates the health of the ALB to determine failover.

7. Create a new secondary failover alias record for the domain that routes traffic to the existing 53 bucket.

Question # 3

If your AWS Management Console browser does not show that you are logged in to an AWS account, close the browser and relaunch the

console by using the AWS Management Console shortcut from the VM desktop.

If the copy-paste functionality is not working in your environment, refer to the instructions file on the VM desktop and use Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V or Command-C , Command-V.

Configure Amazon EventBridge to meet the following requirements.

1. use the us-east-2 Region for all resources,

2. Unless specified below, use the default configuration settings.

3. Use your own resource naming unless a resource

name is specified below.

4. Ensure all Amazon EC2 events in the default event

bus are replayable for the past 90 days.

5. Create a rule named RunFunction to send the exact message every 1 5 minutes to an existing AWS Lambda function named LogEventFunction.

6. Create a rule named SpotWarning to send a notification to a new standard Amazon SNS topic named TopicEvents whenever an Amazon EC2

Spot Instance is interrupted. Do NOT create any topic subscriptions. The notification must match the following structure:

Input Path:

{“instance” : “$.detail.instance-id”}

Input template:

“ The EC2 Spot Instance has been on account.

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1. What is the Amazon Web Services SOA-C02 Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate certification?

The Amazon Web Services SOA-C02 Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate certification is a credential that validates your experience in deploying, managing, and operating workloads on AWS. It helps organizations identify and develop talent with critical skills for implementing cloud initiatives. Earning this certification showcases your familiarity with using both the AWS Management Console and the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), as well as your understanding of the AWS Well-Architected Framework and AWS networking and security services

2. What is the format of the AWS SOA-C02 Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Exam?

The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam consists of 65 multiple-choice questions and multiple-response questions, with an exam time of 130 minutes. The exam features a combination of two question formats: multiple choice and multiple response.

3. Who should take the AWS SOA-C02 Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Exam?

The AWS SOA-C02 Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate is a great starting point on the AWS Certification path for individuals who may have any of the following: experience working in a systems administrator role, experience in AWS technology, strong on-premises IT experience and understanding of mapping on-premises to cloud, or experience working in other cloud services.

4. What are the benefits of earning the AWS SOA-C02 Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate certification?

Earning the AWS Certified Associate Exam Dumps validates your experience in deploying, managing, and operating workloads on AWS as well as implementing security controls and compliance requirements. It showcases your familiarity with using both the AWS Management Console and the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), as well as your understanding of the AWS Well-Architected Framework and AWS networking and security services.

5. What are the key topics covered in the AWS SOA-C02 Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Exam?

The SOA-C02 exam focuses on four main domains:

  • Deployment, Management, and Optimization: This includes provisioning EC2 instances, managing Auto Scaling groups, and optimizing resource utilization.
  • Security and Compliance: You'll be tested on IAM roles and policies, AWS security best practices, and data encryption.
  • Troubleshooting and Automation: Expect questions on identifying and resolving common AWS issues, as well as implementing automation using tools like CloudWatch and CloudFormation.
  • Networking and Connectivity: This domain covers VPCs, subnets, routing, and security groups.

6. Is there a DumpsMate success guarantee for the AWS SOA-C02 Exam?

We're confident in the quality of our resources. If you diligently study our practice exams and study guide, take the official AWS practice test, and still fail the SOA-C02 exam within 90 days of purchase, we offer a full refund.

7. What is the validity period of the AWS SOA-C02 Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Exam?

The AWS SOA-C02 Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate certification is valid for three years.

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TESTED 18 Feb 2025