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Google Associate-Data-Practitioner Exam Dumps - Actual Questions Answers

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Associate-Data-Practitioner Questions and Answers

Question # 1

You have a Dataflow pipeline that processes website traffic logs stored in Cloud Storage and writes the processed data to BigQuery. You noticed that the pipeline is failing intermittently. You need to troubleshoot the issue. What should you do?


Use Cloud Logging to identify error groups in the pipeline's logs. Use Cloud Monitoring to create a dashboard that tracks the number of errors in each group.


Use Cloud Logging to create a chart displaying the pipeline’s error logs. Use Metrics Explorer to validate the findings from the chart.


Use Cloud Logging to view error messages in the pipeline's logs. Use Cloud Monitoring to analyze the pipeline's metrics, such as CPU utilization and memory usage.


Use the Dataflow job monitoring interface to check the pipeline's status every hour. Use Cloud Profiler to analyze the pipeline’s metrics, such as CPU utilization and memory usage.

Question # 2

You work for a home insurance company. You are frequently asked to create and save risk reports with charts for specific areas using a publicly available storm event dataset. You want to be able to quickly create and re-run risk reports when new data becomes available. What should you do?


Export the storm event dataset as a CSV file. Import the file to Google Sheets, and use cell data in the worksheets to create charts.


Copy the storm event dataset into your BigQuery project. Use BigQuery Studio to query and visualize the data in Looker Studio.


Reference and query the storm event dataset using SQL in BigQuery Studio. Export the results to Google Sheets, and use cell data in the worksheets to create charts.


Reference and query the storm event dataset using SQL in a Colab Enterprise notebook. Display the table results and document with Markdown, and use Matplotlib to create charts.

Question # 3

Your company uses Looker as its primary business intelligence platform. You want to use LookML to visualize the profit margin for each of your company’s products in your Looker Explores and dashboards. You need to implement a solution quickly and efficiently. What should you do?


Create a derived table that pre-calculates the profit margin for each product, and include it in the Looker model.


Define a new measure that calculates the profit margin by using the existing revenue and cost fields.


Create a new dimension that categorizes products based on their profit margin ranges (e.g., high, medium, low).


Apply a filter to only show products with a positive profit margin.

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TESTED 05 Feb 2025