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Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Exam Dumps - Actual Questions Answers

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  • Last Update: Feb 15, 2025
  • Questions: 234 questions with Expert Explanation
  • Single Choice: 198 Q&A's
  • Multiple Choice: 36 Q&A's
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Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Questions and Answers

Question # 1

A company’s application is deployed with a user-managed Service Account key. You want to use Google- recommended practices to rotate the key.

What should you do?


Open Cloud Shell and run gcloud iam service-accounts enable-auto-rotate --iam- account=IAM_ACCOUNT.


Open Cloud Shell and run gcloud iam service-accounts keys rotate --iam- account=IAM_ACCOUNT --key=NEW_KEY.


Create a new key, and use the new key in the application. Delete the old key from the Service Account.


Create a new key, and use the new key in the application. Store the old key on the system as a backup key.

Question # 2

You are a Cloud Identity administrator for your organization. In your Google Cloud environment groups are used to manage user permissions. Each application team has a dedicated group Your team is responsible for creating these groups and the application teams can manage the team members on their own through the Google Cloud console. You must ensure that the application teams can only add users from within your organization to their groups.

What should you do?


Change the configuration of the relevant groups in the Google Workspace Admin console to prevent external users from being added to the group.


Set an Identity and Access Management (1AM) policy that includes a condition that restricts group membership to user principals that belong to your organization.


Define an Identity and Access Management (IAM) deny policy that denies the assignment of principals that are outside your organization to the groups in scope.


Export the Cloud Identity logs to BigQuery Configure an alert for external members added to groups Have the alert trigger a Cloud Function instance that removes the external members from the group.

Question # 3

An organization adopts Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for application hosting services and needs guidance on setting up password requirements for their Cloud Identity account. The organization has a password policy requirement that corporate employee passwords must have a minimum number of characters.

Which Cloud Identity password guidelines can the organization use to inform their new requirements?


Set the minimum length for passwords to be 8 characters.


Set the minimum length for passwords to be 10 characters.


Set the minimum length for passwords to be 12 characters.


Set the minimum length for passwords to be 6 characters.

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Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Exam Dumps FAQs

1. What is the Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Certification?

The Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Certification validates your expertise in designing and implementing secure workloads and infrastructure on Google Cloud. As a certified security engineer, you’ll be proficient in identity and access management, data protection, network security, and regulatory controls.

2. Who is the target audience for the Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Exam?

The Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer exam is primarily aimed at security professionals, cloud architects, and IT professionals who have experience with Google Cloud Platform and are looking to validate their skills in designing and implementing secure cloud solutions.

3. What are the prerequisites for taking the Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Exam?

While there are no official prerequisites, it is recommended to have a solid foundation in security concepts, such as threat modeling, risk assessment, and compliance frameworks. Additionally, experience with Google Cloud Platform and familiarity with its core services, such as Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), is beneficial.

4. What topics are covered in the Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Exam?

The Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer exam covers a wide range of topics related to Google Cloud security, including:

  • Security architecture and design principles
  • Threat modeling and risk assessment
  • Identity and access management (IAM)
  • Data security and privacy
  • Network security (firewalls, VPNs, intrusion detection)
  • Application security (Web Application Firewall, vulnerability scanning)
  • Security operations and incident response
  • Compliance and regulatory requirements

5. How many questions are there in the Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Exam?

The Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer exam consists of 50 questions.

6. What is the duration of the Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Exam?

The duration of the Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer exam is 2 hours.

7. What is the difference between the Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer and Professional-Data-Engineer Certification Exams?

The Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer and Professional-Data-Engineer Certification Exams are both focused on specialized roles within the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), but they cater to different areas of expertise:

  • Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer: The Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Exam focuses designing, implementing, and managing security solutions on GCP.
  • Professional-Data-Engineer: The Google Professional-Data-Engineer Exam focuses designing, building, and maintaining data pipelines and data warehouses on GCP.

8. How can DumpsMate help me prepare for the Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Exam?

DumpsMate offers comprehensive study materials, including Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer PDF guide, practice questions and a testing engine. Our Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer study materials are designed to help you thoroughly understand key security concepts to ensure you are well-prepared for the exam.

9. Why should I choose DumpsMate for my Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer exam preparation?

DumpsMate provides reliable, up-to-date Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer exam dumps, real questions, and detailed explanations to help you understand cloud security concepts thoroughly. Our study materials come with a success guarantee, offering you the confidence and tools needed to pass the Google Professional-Cloud-Security-Engineer Exam.

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TESTED 20 Feb 2025