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Google Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam Dumps - Actual Questions Answers

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  • Last Update: Feb 17, 2025
  • Questions: 285 questions with Expert Explanation
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  • Multiple Choice: 4 Q&A's
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Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Questions and Answers

Question # 1

You are developing a model to help your company create more targeted online advertising campaigns. You need to create a dataset that you will use to train the model. You want to avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias in the model. What should you do?

Choose 2 answers


Include a comprehensive set of demographic features.


include only the demographic groups that most frequently interact with advertisements.


Collect a random sample of production traffic to build the training dataset.


Collect a stratified sample of production traffic to build the training dataset.


Conduct fairness tests across sensitive categories and demographics on the trained model.

Question # 2

You are an ML engineer at a bank that has a mobile application. Management has asked you to build an ML-based biometric authentication for the app that verifies a customer's identity based on their fingerprint. Fingerprints are considered highly sensitive personal information and cannot be downloaded and stored into the bank databases. Which learning strategy should you recommend to train and deploy this ML model?


Differential privacy


Federated learning


MD5 to encrypt data


Data Loss Prevention API

Question # 3

You recently deployed a model to a Vertex Al endpoint Your data drifts frequently so you have enabled request-response logging and created a Vertex Al Model Monitoring job. You have observed that your model is receiving higher traffic than expected. You need to reduce the model monitoring cost while continuing to quickly detect drift. What should you do?


Replace the monitoring job with a DataFlow pipeline that uses TensorFlow Data Validation (TFDV).


Replace the monitoring job with a custom SQL scnpt to calculate statistics on the features and predictions in BigQuery.


Decrease the sample_rate parameter in the Randomsampleconfig of the monitoring job.


Increase the monitor_interval parameter in the scheduieconfig of the monitoring job.

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Google Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam Dumps FAQs

1. What is the Google Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam?

The Google Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer exam is a certification designed to validate your expertise in machine learning and your ability to apply advanced techniques to real-world problems. It assesses your knowledge of machine learning algorithms, model development, evaluation, and deployment.

2. Who is the target audience for the Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam?

The Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer exam is primarily aimed at machine learning professionals with at least three years of experience. It's suitable for individuals who have a strong foundation in machine learning concepts and want to demonstrate their proficiency to potential employers or clients.

3. What topics are covered in the Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam?

The Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer exam covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Machine learning algorithms and techniques
  • Data preparation and preprocessing
  • Model development and training
  • Model evaluation and optimization
  • Deployment and maintenance
  • Machine learning ethics and best practices

4. How long is the Google Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam?

The Google Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer exam takes 120 minutes to complete.

5. What is the passing score for the Google Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam?

The passing score for the Google Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer certification is 70%.

6. Where can I find Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer practice exams and study materials?

DumpsMate offers high-quality Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer practice exams and study materials to help you prepare for the Machine Learning Engineer Exam. Our study materials are designed to cover all the essential topics and provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.

7. What is the success guarantee offered by DumpsMate?

DumpsMate offers a success guarantee on its Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer Exam dumps. If you don't pass the exam after using our Professional-Machine-Learning-Engineer study guide, we will provide you with a refund.

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TESTED 18 Feb 2025