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Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam Dumps - Actual Questions Answers

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  • Last Update: Feb 15, 2025
  • Questions: 290 questions with Expert Explanation
  • Single Choice: 286 Q&A's
  • Multiple Choice: 4 Q&A's
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Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Last Week Results!


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Associate-Cloud-Engineer Questions and Answers

Question # 1

You have a Dockerfile that you need to deploy on Kubernetes Engine. What should you do?


Use kubectl app deploy .


Use gcloud app deploy .


Create a docker image from the Dockerfile and upload it to Container Registry. Create a Deployment YAML file to point to that image. Use kubectl to create the deployment with that file.


Create a docker image from the Dockerfile and upload it to Cloud Storage. Create a Deployment YAML file to point to that image. Use kubectl to create the deployment with that file.

Question # 2

You received a JSON file that contained a private key of a Service Account in order to get access to several resources in a Google Cloud project. You downloaded and installed the Cloud SDK and want to use this private key for authentication and authorization when performing gcloud commands. What should you do?


Use the command gcloud auth login and point it to the private key


Use the command gcloud auth activate-service-account and point it to the private key


Place the private key file in the installation directory of the Cloud SDK and rename it to "credentials ison"


Place the private key file in your home directory and rename it to ‘’GOOGLE_APPUCATION_CREDENTiALS".

Question # 3

You want to verify the IAM users and roles assigned within a GCP project named my-project. What should you do?


Run gcloud iam roles list. Review the output section.


Run gcloud iam service-accounts list. Review the output section.


Navigate to the project and then to the IAM section in the GCP Console. Review the members and roles.


Navigate to the project and then to the Roles section in the GCP Console. Review the roles and status.

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Our Satisfied Customers Associate-Cloud-Engineer


dumpsmate's 24/7 online support team was amazing. They answered all my questions quickly and accurately. Highly recommended!

Owen - Posted on 07-Oct-2024

The Associate-Cloud-Engineer certification exam was worth every penny I spent on dumpsmate. Their study material is top notch!

Cora - Posted on 29-Sep-2024

I am so excited to share my success story after passing my Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer exam thanks to DumpsMate! Their resources and strategies were instrumental in my preparation, and their support and instructions kept me motivated and dedicated to achieving my goals. I highly recommend this website to anyone looking to succeed in their certification journey.


Smith - Posted on 01-Sep-2024

dumpsmate's testing engine for Associate-Cloud-Engineer was incredibly helpful in passing the exam. Their PDFs are guaranteed to help you succeed!

Brodie - Posted on 23-Aug-2024

Associate-Cloud-Engineer reviews

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Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam Dumps FAQs

1. What is the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam?

The Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam is a certification exam that tests your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and its core services. It is designed for individuals who have a basic understanding of cloud computing and are interested in pursuing a career in cloud engineering.

2. What topics are covered in the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam?

The Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer exam covers five core areas:

  • Setting up a cloud solution environment: Project creation, billing, resource quotas, IAM roles.
  • Planning and configuring a cloud solution: Estimating costs, choosing appropriate services, designing secure architectures.
  • Deploying and implementing a cloud solution: Launching Compute Engine instances, configuring storage, managing containerized workloads.
  • Ensuring successful operation of a cloud solution: Monitoring resources, troubleshooting issues, scaling applications.
  • Configuring access and security: IAM policies, Cloud Identity & Access Management (CIAM), data encryption.

3. What are the prerequisites for taking the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam?

There are no prerequisites for taking the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam. However, it is recommended that you have some experience working with GCP and are familiar with its core services.

4. How many questions are there in the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam?

The Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions.

5. How much time do I have to complete the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam?

You have 2 hours to complete the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam.

6. What is the passing score for the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam?

The passing score for the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam is 70%.

7. How long is the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer certification valid?

The Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer certification is valid for 3 years from the date of certification.

8. What is the difference between the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer and Google Cloud-Digital-Leader Exam?

The Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam and the Google Cloud-Digital-Leader Exam are two different certification exams offered by Google Cloud Certified. Here's a breakdown:

  • The Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam is designed for individuals who have a basic understanding of cloud computing and are interested in pursuing a career in cloud engineering. It tests your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and its core services.
  • On the other hand, the Cloud-Digital-Leader Exam is a job-role agnostic certification that requires zero hands-on experience with GCP and has no prerequisites to sit for the exam. It is designed for individuals who want to learn about cloud computing and how it can be used to achieve an organization’s goals.

9. Can DumpsMate's study materials help me pass the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Exam?

DumpsMate provides comprehensive study materials like Associate-Cloud-Engineer exam questions, Associate-Cloud-Engineer dumps PDF, and a testing engine.

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TESTED 18 Feb 2025