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WELL-AP Questions and Answers

Question # 1

Please click on the Project Scenario A button to review the project scenario and answer the following question.


MILO is a small, multi-disciplinary design studio with 30 employees located in Shenzhen, China. Their

primary business is interior commercial fit-outs and they also offer sustainability consulting. Three of their employees have achieved their WELL AP credential.

They have recently leased one floor 21,528 ft.a (2 000 m2) in a building owned by another organization to use as their new studio office. This space includes floor to ceiling windows on all four exterior walls. While the windows are numerous, they are also highly tinted, with a visible light transmittance of approximately 0.35 (35%). They intend on installing several living plant walls and have included natural fibers and patterns in their finishings throughout.

Their building is located 984.25 ft. (300 m) from an underground train station and across the road (approx. 328.08 ft. (100 m)) from a large public park. While many employees have indicated that they bike to work on bike trails, the new building's landlord will not allow tenants to use the elevators to bring bicycles to their offices. Instead, their building has bike racks at the building entrance, an underground garage for bike storage, small rentable lockers and basic bike maintenance tools.

MILO considers itself a human-centric design firm and leads with a people-first approach through its

employee benefits and organizational policies. As an example, they offer a 50% discount on several

mindfulness apps and make guided meditation courses available twice per year to all employees on-site.


MILO has enrolled their office for WELL Certification to demonstrate their commitment to designing for well-being and employee health. They will be renovating and designing the entire fit-out themselves, including new space configurations that will prioritize natural light.

The space layout will include seating for 45 people in an open-plan office with hot-desking, three conference rooms and four individual phone booths. Additionally, they are planning to update lighting fixtures and purchase new office furniture. MILO do not provide any food or beverages on a daily basis except coffee and tea.

MILO is targeting WELL Certification at the Gold level or higher. This effort is being led by one of their inhouse WELL APs.

Given the facade design, referenced in the protect scenario A, which feature is most appropriate for this project?


Feature L04 Electric Light Glare Control


Feature L05 Daylight Design Strategies


Feature L06 Daylight Simulation


Feature L09 Occupant Lighting Control

Question # 2

A WELL AP offers design guidance to support active occupants and visitors of a university project with a Bike Score® of 50. There will be approximately 100 peak visitors and 1.500 regular occupants in the building The WELL AP should advise that the university project provide


a bike storage room with a storage capacity of 40 bikes that is located within the protect boundary


a bike storage room with a storage capacity of 80 bikes that is located within the project boundary


four public bike racks located within 200 ft. (60 m) of walking distance from the building's main entrance


three public bike racks located within 100 ft. (30 m) of walking distance from the building's main entrance

Question # 3

The Project must provide which of the following pieces of information at registration?


Project size


List or design consultants


Level of WELL Certification


Target date for performance verification

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TESTED 22 Feb 2025