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PDT-101 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

A visitor clicks on a custom redirect with an action of adding a tag. The visitor them fills out a form and becomes a prospect. The form has a completion action to add the prospect to a list.

Which three things will happen to the prospect? (Choose three answers.)


The prospect activities will show that the form was successfully completed.


The prospect will be added to the list.


The prospect activities will show that the custom redirect was clicked.


The prospect will be tagged.


The newly converted prospect will NOT be affected because it was their first submission.

Question # 2

There are a number of unassigned prospects in the Lenoxsoft database that have NOT been active in more than 60 days. An automation rule is set to assign prospects once they reach a score of 100.

What automatic workflow can be created to prevent them from getting assigned?


Create an automation rule based on the prospects time to adjust their score to 0 if they haven’t been active in 60 days.


Create a dynamic list based on the prospects time to adjust their score to 0 if they haven’t been active in 60 days.


Create a completion action based on the prospects time to adjust their score to 0 if they haven’t been active in 60 days.


Create a segmentation rule based on the prospects time to adjust their score to 0 if they haven’t been active in 60 days.

Question # 3

Which two actions can cause an anonymous visitor to convert into an identified prospect? (Choose two answers.)


Submitting a form on a landing page.


Matching an automation rule.


Viewing more than one web page.


Clicking on a tracked link in an email.

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TESTED 26 Mar 2025