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Adobe AD0-E559 Exam Dumps - Actual Questions Answers

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  • Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
  • Questions: 50 questions with Expert Explanation
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  • Multiple Choice: 9 Q&A's
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AD0-E559 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

An Adobe Marketo Engage event program is connected with a Webinar provider. What program status is mandatory to populate the {{member.webinar url}} token?




Any statuses, as long as the person is a member of the program



Question # 2

A field needs to be created on the Person object that is visible in both CRM and Adobe Marketo Engage.

Which steps always need to be completed in order to accomplish this?


Create a field on the lead or contact objects in CRM. provide read/write access to the Adobe Marketo Engage Sync User


Create a field on the person object in Adobe Marketo Engage, refresh the schema in Adobe Marketo Engage


Create a field on the lead and contact objects in CRM, add this field to Marketing User page layout

Question # 3

A marketer built an event program and added a forecasted period cost of $25,000 for the month/year the event will take place. The event was yesterday and today the marketer realized that they had additional variable costs above the original forecasted amount and updated the Period Cost to $30,000 in the Adobe Marketo Engage event program the same day.

Their CEO wants to know the value in terms of how much the event cost compared to the pipeline and or revenue generated asap.

When should the marketer generate a Revenue Cycle Explorer (RCE) report to ensure the true period cost is reflected?


The marketer should wait 24 hours for the updated period cost to be reflected in RCE.


The marketer can generate the report straight away as RCE updates in real time.


The marketer should calculate this manually, as the updated period cost will not be reflected in RCE.

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Adobe AD0-E559 Exam Dumps FAQs

1. What is the Adobe AD0-E559 exam all about?

The Adobe AD0-E559 exam, officially named the Adobe Marketo Engage Business Practitioner Expert exam, validates your proficiency in utilizing the Adobe Marketo Engage platform to execute successful marketing campaigns. Passing this exam demonstrates your expertise in campaign planning, lead management, automation, reporting, and more.

2. What is the format of the Adobe AD0-E559 Adobe Marketo Engage Certification Exam?

The Adobe AD0-E559 Adobe Marketo Engage Certification Exam is an online proctored exam that requires camera access. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions that must be completed within 110 minutes.

3. What is the passing score for the Adobe AD0-E559 Adobe Marketo Engage Certification Exam?

The passing score for the Adobe AD0-E559 Adobe Marketo Engage Certification Exam is 32 out of 50.

4. What is the minimum experience required to take the Adobe AD0-E559 Adobe Marketo Engage Certification Exam?

The minimum experience required to take the Adobe AD0-E559 Adobe Marketo Engage Certification Exam is approximately 18 months of experience with Adobe Marketo Engage features and capabilities needed to create marketing campaigns and utilize customer behavior data.

5. What are the topics covered in the Adobe AD0-E559 Adobe Marketo Engage Certification Exam?

The Adobe AD0-E559 Adobe Marketo Engage Certification Exam covers two main topics: Administration and Maintenance (12%) and Marketing Activities/Campaign Management (46%).

6. What study materials can I use to prepare for the AD0-E559 Exam?

DumpsMate offers a comprehensive AD0-E559 study guide, AD0-E559 real exam questions and AD0-E559 practice tests. We also provide access to a PDF download and a user-friendly testing engine to simulate the actual exam experience.

7. Does DumpsMate AD0-E559 exam dumps guarantee success?

DumpsMate AD0-E559 exam dumps are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to pass the Adobe Marketo Engage Certification. We guarantee a 100% success rate. Our AD0-E559 Exam questions have helped countless individuals achieve their certification goals, and we're confident they'll significantly improve your exam readiness.

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DumpsMate provides the most up-to-date and accurate AD0-E559 practice questions, meticulously compiled from reliable sources and regularly reviewed to reflect the latest Marketo Engage updates. Our explanations are clear, concise, and focus on the reasoning behind each answer choice, helping you truly understand the concepts.

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TESTED 21 Feb 2025