J is a manager in charge of a section in GDD's Buying department. J has eight staff who report to her. Including M, who has worked for GDD for seven months.
One afternoon, while J was absent on sick leave, M was asked to place an urgent order for plastic pellets that are vital for GDD's production process. The usual supplier could not supply the pellets on time to avoid a shortage and so M telephoned a new supplier and placed an order. When the supplier invoiced for the delivery, GDD's Accounts Payable Department rejected the invoice because the supplier did not have a valid account.
On investigation, it was revealed that M did not have the authority to place an order with a new supplier. Only J can authorise new accounts. M claimed that he had been unaware of the need to seek approval because he had never found it necessary to place an order with a new supplier before
Which TWO of the following statements ate correct?