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NPPE National Professional Practice Examination (NPPE) Exam Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Sal and Wang are licensed professionals who work for the same company. When Sal leaves the company for another opportunity, their supervisor asks Wang to create drawings of a structural weldment that Sal designed. While creating the drawings, Wang notices that there are no stress calculations in the project folder that verify the safety of the Resign. This Is out of the ordinary because it is standard practice to include all relevant calculations in the project folder.

Which of the following actions would be best for Wang to take?



Add a similar project's calculations to the folder and complete the drawings.


Refuse to create We drawings on the basis that the design lacks critical safety calculations.


Assume that Sol was diligent in the design and create the drawings without these calculations.


Point out the lack of stress calculations to the supervisor and ask for extra time to review the design.

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Questions 5

Jaspreet Is a licensed professional member who belongs to a science education society. She edits a Journal paper for her society. Can Jaspreet use this activity to obtain Professional Development Units (POUs) or Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to maintain her professional registration?



Yes. editing journal papers generally qualifies for PDU or CEU credits


No, not usually unless the paper is written in mora than one language


No, editing Journal papers generally does not qualify for PDU or CEU credits


Yes, but only if the paper is as long as the length stipulated by her association

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Questions 6

Louts, a licensed professional member, was asked by his employer to reduce the stages of a process for expediency and in order to reduce costs. Louis advised his employer that this was not an industry test practice. However, the employer Insisted that Louis make the requested adjustment, which presented Louis with a dilemma.

Which of the following approaches is best for Louis to take in this situation?



Ignore the employer in line with Louie' commitment to ethical practice


Research appropriate guidelines permitting such adjustment


Go ahead with the adjustment using his best Judgement


Report his employer to the professional association

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Questions 7

Which of the following statements about a licensed professional's seal/stamp is not correct?



it indicates that the person applying the seal/stamp assumes professional responsibility and is accountable for the document.


It Indicates the person applying the seal/stamp fully understands and agrees with the document's contents and findings.


It Indicates that the person applying the seal/stamp Is confident in the accuracy of the document.


It Indicates that the person applying the seal/stamp guarantees the accuracy of the document.

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Questions 8

Which of the following activities is undertaken by Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada?



Development of guidelines for licensure


Appointment of the professional associations' councils


Enforcement of the appropriate provincial/territorial acts


Investigate Interprovincial misconduct by an engineer/geoscientist

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Questions 9

In order for a corporation to practice engineering or geoscience. in most associations. It must



employ only professionals registered with the association


obtain and maintain a Permit to Practise (Certificate of Authorization)


hold liability Insurance for subcontractors with whom they do business


register with the appropriate federal associations such as Engineers Canada or Geoscientists Canada

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Questions 10

Ms. Jane Alt and Mr. John Doe work for Beta Company, The position of vice-president of Beta is vacant and both Ms. Alt and Mr. Doe are candidates. Ms. Alt and Mr. Doe are equally qualified and have similar successful experience profiles In the company. Which of the following actions by the CEO of Beta can be considered as the least ethical reason to choose one of the candidates?



The CEO chooses Mr. John Doe because he has good relationships with most of Beta's clients.


The CEO chooses Mr John Doe because the vice-president position is traditionally held by a male.


The CEO chooses Ms. Jane Alt because Beta does not have any women in the top management positions.


The CEO chooses Ms. Jane Alt because ne thinks Mr. John Doe may leave the company soon as a result of his good contacts.

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Questions 11

Which of the following types of property are considered personal property?









Mineral rights

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Questions 12

Tort concept of fault has extended the scope of products liability by the:



application of the notion of reasonable care.


application of explicit warranties.


availability of liability Insurance.


extension of the notion of fraud.

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Questions 13

A professional member monitors production at a food plant. While walking the plant at the end of a shift, the member sees a major hydraulic oil leak on the ground outside, near the only conveyor that brings raw product into the plant. There Is a scheduled maintenance outage the next day, and dealing with the Issue right now would hurt production goals, and thus affect the member's chance of bonuses.



tell the next supervise to deal with It on the next shift


ignore the issue and let the next supervisor find and deal with it


stop production, have the issue Axed, and report the spill if required by provincial law


Inform maintenance Immediately so that they can plan for Its repair on the scheduled outage

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Questions 14

Jane Smith, a licensed professional, is a consulting engineer working in a small town. Jane also sits on Town Council as are elected councillor, which she considers to be a part-time Job in order to help the community. For the last year, lane has been working with a developer who Is proposing a new asphalt mix for road resurfacing to help reduce the number of potholes on town roads. During a regular town council meeting where the developer's proposal was discussed, Jane publicly stated her involvement with the developer's project, did not participate in the debate, and abstained from voting. However, everyone knows that Jane is the only consulting engineer in town and has the most knowledge and expertise with this type of project.

Does Jane have a conflict of interest in this situation?



Yes, because Jane should not have worked with the developer on the new asphalt mix while she serves as an elected town councillor.


No. Because Jane fully disclosed her Business relationship with the developer at the council meeting and refrained from participating in the formal vote.


No. because Jane only works part-time as an elected councillor for the town in order to help out the community while her full-time job Is as a consultant.


Yes. because Jane is the only consulting engineer in town with the knowledge and expertise for this type of project and can Influence how council members vote.

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Questions 15

In which of the following situations Is It necessary that a professional be Informed that his or her work Is being reviewed?



When public safety is involved


When proprietary matters such as trade secrets are involved


When a lawyer requests the review under solicitor-client privilege


When an association conducts a practice review to ensure continuing competency

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Questions 16

Termination falls into one of two categories: for cause, also known as "Just cause," and without cause, winch of the following Issues resulting either from a professional's behavior or from outside forces could readily result in a professional being terminated for "Just cause"?



Insubordination and insolence


Company declares bankruptcy


Apathy and indecision


Company takeover

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Questions 17

A person would be committing Insider trading if the person



gave professional advice to company insiders


knowingly traded based on material Information undisclosed to the public


ware an executive purchasing shares in the company that the parson worked for


sold shares in a company following a news release, knowing the value of the shares would fall

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Questions 18

Alex, a professional member, is a manager at a construction firm. His boss asks him to fill two student job positions (a student engineering position and a student geoscience position) for the summer. After creating a Job posting and advertising the positions for one month, Alex receives 40 applications. During the review process, he discovers that the daughter of his old friend from university is one of the student job applicants. Alex is concerned that proceeding with the review of the applications will create a conflict of interest for him.

What actions can Alex take to remove any possible conflict of Interest in this situation?



Remove the daughter's Job application and proceed with the review of all others.


Assume a professional attitude and consider the daughter's application the same as ell others.


TeII his boss that he has known the applicant's father since university and ask the boss to decide if he can proceed.


Review the daughter's application with the others to see If It Is good enough to go on to the next step before telling his boss.

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Questions 19

As used in relation to liability policies, the term 'duty to Indemnify" refers to the



insurer's obligation to pay claims within the scope of the policy


Insurer's obligation to pay the legal fees and other costs of defending a claim


insured party's obligation to pay the legal fees and other costs of a serious claim


Insured party's obligation to attend court to defend himself or herself and to provide required information

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Questions 20

Empowered through their respective legislative Acts, professional regulators have the ability to impose consequences on their members If they are found guilty of unprofessional conduct and/or unskilled practice.

Which of the following disciplinary penalties, imposed by a regulator against a practitioner, is not a potential consequence for such action or behavior?



Further study and/or examinations


Revoking of license indefinitely


Probation or imprisonment


License suspension or fine

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Questions 21

Which of the following statements about protecting an employer's confidential Information is false?



Senior management are often restricted from competing against a former employer for a period of time after leaving a company.


The obligation of confidentiality begins on the first day of employment and may extend beyond the date of termination.


Employees are generally entitled to utilize their skillsets and past work experience for a new employer.


A written agreement is required for an employee to be bound by an obligation of confidentiality.

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Questions 22

A licensed professional. Contractor A, Pas a long history with licensed professional Contractor 8. They studied at the same university, worked closely together in the past, and regularly compete for projects. Recently, Contractor A has come upon clear and compelling evidence that Contractor B lacks technical competence and has been professionally negligent.

Which of the following actions Is in accordance with the professional code of ethics?



Contractor A shares their concerns regarding Contractor B's technical competence with clients and advises against involving Contractor B in high-risk projects.


Contractor A documents the particular evidence of Contractor B'S professional misconduct and reports their findings to the profession's Investigative committee.


Contractor A decides to avoid any future professional interactions with Contractor B given the increased risk of project failures and personal and public liabilities.


Contractor A notifies Contractor B that future misconduct will be reported to the Investigative committee with a recommendation to revoke Contractor B's license.

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Questions 23

In a contract, a force majeure clause is a clause that



contains threats or coercion that may be used to induce a party to enter into a contract


Is particularly biased towards one party and may be evidence of an inequality in bargaining power


Is a misleading or deceptive statement made by one party to Induce the other party to enter into the contract


provides relief or contractual obligations due to future events that the parties agree make the contract impossible to execute and are beyond their control

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Questions 24

In which of the following situations is it most unlikely that a conflict of Interest will arise?



A consultant suggests a technical change that reduces the consultant's workload without proposing a reduction in her fees.


A consultant recommends that a client purchase goods and services from a company that pays a hidden commission to the consultant.


A consultant suggests a technical change that reduces the consultant's workload and the client benefits from a similar reduction in fees.


A consultant recommends that a client purchase goods and services from a company at which the consultant'C

adult child is marketing manager and the consultant does not disclose this to the client.

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Questions 25

It Is prudent for self-employed, licensed geoscientists and engineers to hold professional liability Insurance to help protect them against potential claims. Liabilities resulting from which of the following actions are not likely to be covered by professional liability Insurance?



Breach of contract


Corruption or fraud


Oversight or deficiency


Misjudgment or misunderstanding

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Questions 26

A licensed professional Is leaning the rebuila of an underground transmission line. Upon reviewing the as-built drawings, the professional notices that the configuration deviates from the original design. However, it will be very costly and time-consuming If the work has to be redone.

Which of the following actions should the professional take next given the circumstance?



Request that the duct work be reconstructed as per the initial design.


Redraw the Initial design to coincide with the Changes found in the as-built drawings.


Determine If the cable duct configuration in the as-built drawings are acceptable and meet all regulations.


Determine if the difference between the initial design and the as-built drawings are minor and If so, move forward with the new design.

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Questions 27

A licensed professional mechanical engineer runs a consulting company based in Alberta. The professional is currently designing a project located in Manitoba. The principal modular components of the project are being constructed in Saskatchewan and will be moved and assembled in Manitoba once complete. In order to oversee the construction of the modules, the professional spends a significant amount of their time on-site in Saskatchewan.

Where does the professional need to be registered and why?



Alberta only, as the professional's consulting company Is based in Alberta.


Manitoba only, as the professional is designing a project located in that province.


Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, as the professional is practicing in all three provinces.


Alberta and Manitoba only, as the professional's company is in Alberta and the project Is located In Manitoba.

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Questions 28

Issues that allow an employer to terminate an employee without notice or severance pay include all of the following except



serious misconduct


temporary disability


habitual neglect of duty


theft, fraud, or dishonesty

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Questions 29

Mediation, one of the methods of alternate dispute resolution (ADR), Is an assisted negotiation process In which a neutral third party facilitates settlement between the parties. Which of the following statements related to the mediation process Is true?



A mediator Is always appointed by a judge of the provincial or higher courts in Canada.


Mediations cannot be used for complex multi-party disputes because of current laws in Canada.


The representative of each party in a mediation must have the authority to conclude a settlement.


The mediator of any dispute may or may not enjoy the trust of either one, both, or all of the parties.

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Questions 30

Which of the following actions cannot be taken by the professional association when It considers applications for the registration of applicants in accordance with the association's Act?



Deny the registration


Approve the registration


Defer approval of the registration


Prevent the applicant from any future registration

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Questions 31

Which of the following statements gives the least justification for engineering or geoscience professionals to be considered "professional"?



They are able to Be self-employed and work directly with clients on a one-on-one basis.


They have a direct responsibility to the public for the Quality of the work that they perform.


They require specialized knowledge, based on scientific and scholarly principles. In order to perform their duties.


They are regulated by provincial/territorial Acts that commit them to High standards of achievement and conduct.

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Questions 32

The purpose of licensing Is to protect (he public against the possible Incompetence, negligence, and professional misconduct. Which of the following statements explains how the public Is protected when a licensed corporation is engaged in engineering or geoscience?



The provincial courts can intervene at any time and direct a corporation to make Its records public if It Is suspected by a judge of committing a misdemeanour or misconduct.


The government Is obligated to step in from time to time to coordinate the engineering and geoscience activities of each corporation because Public Safety Canada Is responsible for ensuring the national security and safety of Canadians.


A corporation is a legal entity that cannot be held responsible for professional misconduct; its "affairs' are restricted to the relationships among its affiliates and shareholders, directors, and officers, and therefore, the concept of violating public safety does not apply to the activities of a corporation, so the public is protected.


The governing act for professional associations in almost every province and territory in Canada mandates each corporation to obtain a Permit to Practise, wherein the corporation must employ a licensed professional member to act in a supervisory capacity and assume personal responsibility for the services provided by the corporation.

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Questions 33

A professional seat/stamp is required to De applied to



legal documents


signed contracts


business cards


final drawings

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Exam Code: NPPE
Exam Name: National Professional Practice Examination (NPPE) Exam
Last Update: Oct 23, 2024
Questions: 110

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TESTED 24 Oct 2024