You are conducting a Stage 2 certification audit to ISO 45001 at an adventure park in the Scottish Highlands. The park offers treetop walks, zip-line rides, walking trails, and horse-riding trips. The park is open to adults and children of any age. You are particularly interested in compliance with legal requirements and interview the Park Manager.
You: How do you evaluate the risks to participants that the various activities present?
Park Manager: Our risks are covered by insurance, and we operate under health and safety legislation that requires frequent checks of all our facilities. For example, we trust staff to check all our harnesses every morning.
You: Are you required to have an independent inspection carried out of zip lines, for example?
Park Manager: Yes, our insurance company employs a reputable body to do that sort of thing.
You: Can you show me a copy of the latest inspection report? Park Manager: I’d need to get that from the insurance organisation. I have the initial one when we opened eight years ago.
You examine the inspection report, which takes the form of a checklist that does not identify individual zip lines, treetop platforms, harnesses, or rope ladders. It is dated eight years previously and has a scribbled signature with no other identification of the inspection engineer. Select the two statements for which there is evidence of a nonconformity to ISO 45001.
Select two statements.