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I40-420 Certified Function Point Specialist Questions and Answers

Questions 4

A group of data is referenced and updated by application A and application B. This data is only referenced by application C. For which of these applications is this group of data counted?



Applications A and B only


All three applications


Counted as an EIF for all applications and an ILF for Applications A and B


Counted only for the application that updates the largest number of DETs

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Questions 5

The two types of subgroups of an ILF are:



optional and required


optional and mandatory


discretionary and mandatory


discretionary and required

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Questions 6

Which is the correct formula for calculating an EFP?










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Questions 7

During the requirements phase for a new application, the user identified 3 logical groups of data. During the construction phase, our database technicians combined the 3 logical groups of data into 1 physical table. How many ILFs would be counted?



3 ILFs during requirements phase, 3 ILFs during construction phase


3 ILFs during requirements phase, 1 ILFs during construction phase


1ILF during requirements phase, 1 ILFs during construction phase


1 ILF during requirements phase, 0 ILFs during construction phase

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Questions 8

An application has 3 ILFs and 3 EIFs all of average complexity. An enhancement to the system introduces a new screen that references all of the existing ILFs and EIFs, and maintains 1 of the existing ILFs. The enhancement project function point count will take into account:



FPs associated with the new screen, FPs associated with the 3 ILFs, FPs associated with the 3 EIFs


FPs associated with the new screen, FPs associated with the 1ILF maintained


FPs associated with the new screen


FPs associated with the new screen, FPs associated with the 3 ILFs

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Questions 9

At the end of each month, Application A sends a transaction file to Application B. The transaction file contains a listing of item information including item number, item description and item price. All three attributes in the transaction file are contained in the Item ILF in Application A. For Application A, how would the elementary process be measured?










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Questions 10

An application originally valued at 327 FP was enhanced. The enhancement added 3 low EQs, 2 low EIs and 2 high EOs. What is the AFPA?










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Questions 11

Which of the following rules would apply when counting FTRs for an EI?



Count one FTR for each unique data function that is accessed


Count one FTR for each transactional function read during the processing of the EI


Count two FTRs for each unique data function that is both maintained and read


None of the above

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Questions 12

A screen that adds an order record to the Order file is being enhanced to capture 10 additional attributes. These new attributes do not fit onto the existing screen, so a new screen is being created to collect the 10 new attributes before creating the Order record. How is the screen counted for the enhancement project?



1 changed EI


1 changed EI, 1 added EI


1 deleted EI, 1 added EI


1 deleted EI, 2 added EIs

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Questions 13

The user requirements call for a model stock portfolio list to be created. The user will be able to enter selection criteria for the equities to be included in the model stock portfolio list. There is another requirement for the user to be able to save the selection criteria. How many elementary processes would be counted?



Not counted







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Questions 14

A batch file is processed by an application for the purpose of adding new jobs and updating existing jobs. The batch file has two types of transactions (add and change). Each transaction type has two record types associated with it: record 1 is for job information and record 2 is for job description. How many EIs are counted for the batch job?










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Questions 15

An EI is defined as:



an elementary process that processes data sent from outside the application boundary


control information sent from outside the user view


an elementary process that processes data or control information sent from outside the application's boundary


All of the above

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Questions 16

Which category (ies) of data entities is (are) usually identified to satisfy the Functional User Requirements?



Business data


Reference data


Code data


Both A and B

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Questions 17

Documentation of a function point count can include:



Identification of missing source documentation


Each data function and the number of DETs and RETs


Each transactional function and the number of DETs and RETs


B and C

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Questions 18

Determine the complexity of the data and/or transactions identified in the following scenario:

  • The Library Information System (LIS) user Adds new member information by entering the member code, the member name, the telephone number, the address and the starting membership date. Information is stored and maintained in the Member logical file.
  • The LIS user Changes some member information or Deletes it, by entering the member code. The LIS retrieves all the information related to the member code and displays it on the screen. Then, the LIS user Changes all the data displayed, with the exception of the member code, or completely Deletes the member information. If the member code is not found in the Member logical file, then an error message is displayed to the user.
  • The LIS user Views member information by entering the member code and/or the member name on the screen. All the member data is retrieved and displayed in the search results. If the member code and/or the member name is not found in the Member logical file, then an error message is displayed to the user.
  • All functions are activated by pressing the OK button.

Determine the complexity for the following functions:

Select the complexity for each function:

I40-420 Question 18


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Questions 19

A baseline count is to be conducted for the Payment Information Application (PIA).

Client Credit History logical file is made available to the teller while processing a customer's wire payment. The Client Credit History logical file is retrieved from the Credit Master Application (CMA).

PIA also receives an end-of-day import file of wire payments from the Foreign Banking (FB) application. PIA maintains all customer wire payments in the Wire Payment logical file. During the processing of the wire payments, the currency is converted from the customer's local currency to PIA's currency using the FB application Currency logical file.

The teller must review the client credit history, and then update the Credit Limit logical file in the PIA before processing the wire payment.

Tellers maintain the Customer Account logical file using the maintain customer account function within PIA.

From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the data functions for the PIA. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Function does not apply.

Identify the data functions used:

I40-420 Question 19


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Questions 20


  • The controller uses the Maintain Exam Schedule screen to schedule exams for various courses and subjects.
  • The exam serial number from the University Master logical file is entered in the screen. On pressing the Retrieve key, the exam name, controller number, finals week start date and finals week end date efe displayed from the University Master logical file. In addition, exam status, course id, subject id, exam date, start time, end time, proctor and message are displayed from Schedule Information logical file.
  • The Add or Modify options allow addition/update to the course id, subject id, exam start date, start time, end time, proctor and message using the exam serial number as the key field. The data in the add/update mode gets saved in the Schedule Information logical file with the 'pending approval' in the exam status, no other data is stored.
  • Course id, subject id and exam date pick lists provide data from static tables.
  • The exam dates should be within the finals week start and end dates

I40-420 Question 20

Determine the complexity for functions listed:

Select the complexity for each function:

I40-420 Question 20


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Questions 21

The Stock Purchasing (SP) and Point of Sale (POS) applications have the following requirements.

  • The POS application maintains details of customer purchases in the Item Purchases logical file.
  • The SP application is used to place orders with suppliers based on daily inventory levels.
  • The SP application is used to maintain supplier information. The Supplier Information logical file contains descriptions of items the supplier stocks and supplier contact information.
  • The Inventory logical file is maintained by the SP application through a daily batch process which references the Item Purchases logical file.
  • When the batch process is complete, the SP application displays a list of items that are below 20% of normal inventory levels. The user selects items to be ordered and specifies the supplier. The SP application then generates a purchase order for each supplier. The purchase orders are sent electronically to each supplier and stored in the Order logical file.
  • From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the data function both the SP and POS applications. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Function does not apply.

Identify the functions used:

I40-420 Question 21


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Questions 22

The Human Resources (HR) application includes functionality to maintain the Department logical file.

  • The user enters a department number and presses the View button to display an existing department. An error message is displayed if the department does not exist.
  • When the user adds or updates a department, the cost center is validated against the Cost Center logical file. The Cost Center logical file is maintained in the Payroll application.
  • The user Adds a new department by entering department #, Name, phone #, mail stop, cost center and manager. The user completes the add by pressing the Add button. An error message displayed if the department # already exists.
  • The user Updates information about the displayed department. Name, phone #, mail stop, cost center and manager may be changed. The user completes the update by pressing the Update button.
  • The user Deletes the displayed department by pressing the Delete button.
  • A manager must be selected using the Manager Drop Down list, which displays manager name and department number. The Employee logical file is maintained in the HR application and is the source for the Manager Drop Down list.

I40-420 Question 22

Determine the complexity for department transactions.

Select the complexity for each function.

I40-420 Question 22


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Questions 23

A Flight Reservation application has the ability to make a reservation and reserve a seat.

  • A passenger calls to make a reservation. The booking agent adds the information into the Flight Reservation logical file.
  • At a later time the passenger can make a change to the reservation through the booking agent.
  • The booking agent views the flight reservation record before changing it.
  • The booking agent can also reserve a seat for the passenger for each leg of his travel, but cannot change or delete the seat reservation once made. Seat reservations are stored in the Seat Reservation logical file.
  • The booking agent can view the seat reservation record.

From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the transactional functions for the Flight Reservation application. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Functions does not apply.

Identify the functions used:

I40-420 Question 23


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Questions 24

I40-420 Question 24

  • The Organization consists of three levels of organizational hierarchy. There are one or more Groups to a Department and one or more Departments to a Division. When a Division is deleted all associated Departments and Groups are also deleted. Organization data (including all three parts) is maintained by the Payroll application.
  • All the remaining tables are maintained by the HR application.
  • All the remaining data is maintained by the HR application.
  • The HR application stores information on the employee in the Employee logical file. Employee dependent information about the spouse and children of the employee are stored on the Employee Dependent table.
  • Health insurance plan, dental insurance plan, life insurance, and accident insurance data is stored in the Benefits logical file.
  • Pay rate, bonus percentage, vacation accrual rate, vacation balance, and pension accrual rate are stored on the Compensation logical file.
  • Training classes attended and scheduled are stored in the Training logical file.
  • The health insurance table contains the code and description for all Health Insurance plans offered to the employees for health coverage.
  • The dental insurance table contains the code and description for all Dental Insurance plans offered to the employee for dental coverage

From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the data functions for the HR application. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Function does not apply.

Identify the data functions used:

I40-420 Question 24


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Questions 25


  • Library employees use the Item Check-Out screen when a member is ready check out the book(s) and/or magazine(s) he wishes to borrow. The library employee enters the member id number, and when the employee exits the member id attribute, if the member id is valid, the member name is retrieved from the Member Information logical file and displayed in the member name attribute. The library employee enters the item type (b for book, m for magazine) and the item code; the item title is retrieved from the Book Information logical file and displayed in the item title attribute. The library employee then enters the lending date and the due date, and presses the Add button. The information is stored in the Check-Out logical file.
  • Library employees use the Item Check-Out screen to update the due date of a book or magazine if a member requests additional lending time. The employee enters the member id number, and when the employee exits the member id attribute, if the member id is valid, the member name is retrieved from the Member Information logical file and displayed in the member name attribute, the library employee enters the item type (b for book, m for magazine) and the item code; the item title is retrieved from the Book Information logical file and displayed in the item title attribute and the lending date and due date are retrieved from the Check-Out logical file. The library employee then updates the due date, and presses the Update button. The new due date is stored in the Check-Out logical file.
  • The head librarian receives two reports from the Library Check-Out application. The first report is the Overdue Report which is a list of overdue items categorized into < 30 days overdue, 30 - 90 days overdue and > 90 days overdue.
  • The second report is the Low Usage Report that calculates which fiction books have not been checked out in the last 24 months and lists the title of those books. This report is run on demand. A High Usage Report with the number of times an item has been checked out has been put on hold and will not be released.
  • A proposed Member Check-Out Report with a list of books checked-out and recommended titles will not be developed until privacy issues have been resolved.
  • From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the transactional functions for the current Library Check-Out application. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Function does not apply.

Identify the functions used:

I40-420 Question 25


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Questions 26

Several data functions are described in the scenario for the Accounts Receivable fAFO application:

  • From the main menu, the user selects the receive payment option.
  • The receive payment option opens a screen which allows the user to enter payment information in the Payment Information logical file. The receive payment option updates the Customer Payment logical file to store the outstanding balance due. If there is no existing outstanding balance, the current balance is added to the Customer Payment logical file.
  • The Currency Translation file is imported daily from the Banking Application and updates the AR application's Customer Currency logical file. The Customer Currency logical file is used by the AR application to translate the currency from the customer's local currency to the Euro. The user also maintains the country code and full country name in the Customer Currency logical file.
  • The user maintains the customer name, address and account number in the Customer Information file in the AR application.
  • From the main menu, the user selects the balance review option.
  • The balance review option accesses the Customer Payment logical file. The balance summary option allows the user to create a balance summary report by customer. This report is viewable on the screen, can be emailed to a user, downloaded to a spreadsheet, and printed to hardcopy. For audit purposes, every balance summary report is saved to the Audit Balance Summary logical file.
  • The balance detail option accesses the Customer Information, Customer Payment and Customer Currency logical files. A printed report is created that contains a list of all customers with balance changes in the current month. The balance is shown in both customer local currency and the Euro. The report also includes the customer address with country name after translating the country code using the Customer Currency logical file.

From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the data functions for the AR application. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Function does not apply.

Identify the functions used:

I40-420 Question 26


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Questions 27


For the TAX application the user required the migration of existing taxpayer information (name, tax identification number, location name) to the TAX application. A conversion file with taxpayer data was created and imported into the Taxpayer logical file in the TAX application. The source of the data was the Account Holder logical file.

The user required the ability to Add, Change and Delete the taxpayer information in the Taxpayer logical file.

The user required the ability to View the taxpayer information prior to changing or deleting information.

From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the base functional components for the TAX application baseline. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Functions does not apply.

Identify the functions used:

I40-420 Question 27


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Questions 28


LIS produces five reports:

Text Out On Loan

  • References Customer logical file
  • References Text logical file
  • Displays 8 fields

Text Overdue

  • References Customer logical file
  • References Text logical file
  • Displays 4 fields

Text With Multiple Hold Requests

  • References Text logical file
  • References Publisher Guide logical file
  • References Customer logical file
  • Displays 25 fields

Inventory List

  • References Inventory logical file
  • Displays 12 fields including 1 calculated field

Text On Order

  • References Order logical file
  • References Publisher Guide logical file
  • References Text logical file
  • References Employee logical file
  • Displays 15 fields including 2 calculated fields

Determine the complexity of the following functions.

Select the complexity for each function:

I40-420 Question 28


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Questions 29

Several functions are outlined within the following scenario for the Accounts Receivable application:

  • From the main menu, the user selects the receive payment option.
  • The receive payment option opens a screen which allows the user to add or change payment information on the Payment Information logical file after performing an inquiry on payments received for the customer. The receive payment option updates the Customer Master logical file to store a current outstanding balance due. If there was no existing outstanding balance, the current balance is added to the Customer Master logical file.
  • From the main menu, the user selects the balance review option.
  • The balance review option accesses the Customer Master logical file and allows the user to create a summary report with customer balance totals.
  • The balance review summary option accesses the Customer Master and Currency Translation logical files. A report is created that contains a comprehensive list of all past balance changes in both company standard currency and customer local currency.

From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the transactional functions for the Accounts Receivable application. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Function does not apply.

Identify the functions used:

I40-420 Question 29


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Questions 30


  • The LIS user Adds data related to a new text in the Library, by entering ISBN code, title, author, publisher, series, typology, publishing date and acquisition date on the screen and pressing the OK button. All data entered is maintained in the Text logical file. The ISBN code and the publisher are validated against the Publishers Guide logical file.
  • The LIS user Views data related to an existing text in the Library by entering the ISBN code, title, author or publisher on a selection screen.
  • If only one text matches the selection criteria, the View Text screen is displayed. ISBN code, title, author, publisher, series, typology, publishing date and acquisition date are displayed.
  • If a record in the Text logical file does not match the criteria entered, an error message is displayed to the user.
  • If more than one record matches the criteria, the Multiple Text List List is displayed. For each of the texts that matches the criteria the following attributes are shown: ISBN code, title, author, publishing date and the percentage match to the criteria. The LIS user can display the View Text screen by selecting a single text and pressing the OK button.
  • The LIS user Changes Text text data by changing any values on the View Text screen with the exception of the ISBN code and pressing the Change button. If the publisher is changed it is validated against the Publishers Guide logical file.
  • The user Deletes text data from the Text logical file by entering on the screen the ISBN code of the text and pressing the Delete button.

Determine the complexity of the following functions:

Select the complexity for each function:

I40-420 Question 30


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Questions 31

Which of the following does not represent the user view, and should not be used for FP counting purposes?



User handbook


Catalog of transactions


Detailed specifications


Application source code

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Questions 32

Which of the following would apply when counting FTRs for an EQ?



Count an FTR for each ILF or EIF read


Count one FTR for each ILF maintained


Count only one FTR for each ILF that is both maintained and read


All of the above

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Questions 33

Which of the following statements regarding DET counting is (are) true?



Attributes referenced by the application being measured are not counted


Do not count a DET for attribute required by the user to establish a relationship with another data function


Count a DET for each attribute required by the user to establish a relationship with another data function


Both A and C

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Questions 34

What is the purpose of the VAF?



Adjust the FP by +/- 35%


Adjust the FP by 0.65


Increase the reference data by 0.65


Increase the aFP by 35%

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Questions 35

Which of the following defines the user view?



Translation of the technical solution into the user's language


Functional User Requirements as perceived by the user


Architectural representation of the user's business solution


None of the above

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Questions 36

Which is the first step of the Measurement process?



Gather the available documentation


Determine the counting scope and application boundary


Measure data functions


Measure transactional functions

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Questions 37

A database table is maintained by the application being counted. It has state code as the key attribute and state name as the only other attribute. How would this table be counted?





1 RET of an ILF




Not counted

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Exam Code: I40-420
Exam Name: Certified Function Point Specialist
Last Update: Mar 4, 2025
Questions: 249

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