A baseline count is to be conducted for the Payment Information Application (PIA).
Client Credit History logical file is made available to the teller while processing a customer's wire payment. The Client Credit History logical file is retrieved from the Credit Master Application (CMA).
PIA also receives an end-of-day import file of wire payments from the Foreign Banking (FB) application. PIA maintains all customer wire payments in the Wire Payment logical file. During the processing of the wire payments, the currency is converted from the customer's local currency to PIA's currency using the FB application Currency logical file.
The teller must review the client credit history, and then update the Credit Limit logical file in the PIA before processing the wire payment.
Tellers maintain the Customer Account logical file using the maintain customer account function within PIA.
From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the data functions for the PIA. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Function does not apply.
Identify the data functions used: