Set Configuration Context:
[student@node-1] $ | kubectl
Config use-context k8s
A pod is running on the cluster but it is not responding.
The desired behavior is to have Kubemetes restart the pod when an endpoint returns an HTTP 500 on the /healthz endpoint. The service, probe-pod, should never send traffic to the pod while it is failing. Please complete the following:
• The application has an endpoint, /started, that will indicate if it can accept traffic by returning an HTTP 200. If the endpoint returns an HTTP 500, the application has not yet finished initialization.
• The application has another endpoint /healthz that will indicate if the application is still working as expected by returning an HTTP 200. If the endpoint returns an HTTP 500 the application is no longer responsive.
• Configure the probe-pod pod provided to use these endpoints
• The probes should use port 8080