Explanation: Solution :
Step 1 : Import Single table .
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db -username=retail_dba -password=cloudera -table=products -target-dir=p93_products -m 1
Note : Please check you dont have space between before or after '=' sign. Sqoop uses the MapReduce framework to copy data from RDBMS to hdfs
Step 2 : Step 2 : Read the data from one of the partition, created using above command, hadoop fs -cat p93_products/part-m-00000
Step 3 : Load this directory as RDD using Spark and Python (Open pyspark terminal and do following). productsRDD = sc.textFile("p93_products")
Step 4 : Filter empty prices, if exists
#filter out empty prices lines
nonemptyjines = productsRDD.filter(lambda x: len(x.split(",")[4]) > 0)
Step 5 : Now sort data based on product_price in order. sortedPriceProducts=nonempty_lines.map(lambdaline:(float(line.split(",")[4]),line.split(",")[2])).sortByKey()
for line in sortedPriceProducts.collect(): print(line)
Step 6 : Now sort data based on product_price in descending order. sortedPriceProducts=nonempty_lines.map(lambda line: (float(line.split(",")[4]),line.split(",")[2])).sortByKey(False)
for line in sortedPriceProducts.collect(): print(line)
Step 7 : Get highest price products name. sortedPriceProducts=nonemptyJines.map(lambda line : (float(line.split(",")[4]),line-split(,,,,,)[2]))-sortByKey(False).take(1)
Step 8 : Now sort data based on product_price as well as product_id in descending order.
#Dont forget to cast string #Tuple as key ((price,id),name)
sortedPriceProducts=nonemptyJines.map(lambda line : ((float(line print(sortedPriceProducts)
Step 9 : Now sort data based on product_price as well as product_id in descending order, using top() function.
#Dont forget to cast string
#Tuple as key ((price,id),name)
sortedPriceProducts=nonemptyJines.map(lambda line: ((float(line.s^^
Step 10 : Now sort data based on product_price as ascending and product_id in ascending order, using takeOrdered{) function.
#Dont forget to cast string
#Tuple as key ((price,id),name) sortedPriceProducts=nonemptyJines.map(lambda line: ((float(line.split(","}[4]},int(line.split(","}[0]}},line.split(","}[2]}}.takeOrdered(10, lambda tuple : (tuple[0][0],tuple[0][1]))
Step 11 : Now sort data based on product_price as descending and product_id in ascending order, using takeOrdered() function.
#Dont forget to cast string
#Tuple as key ((price,id},name)
#Using minus(-) parameter can help you to make descending ordering , only for numeric value.
sortedPrlceProducts=nonemptylines.map(lambda line: ((float(line.split(","}[4]},int(line.split(","}[0]}},line.split(","}[2]}}.takeOrdered(10, lambda tuple : (-tuple[0][0],tuple[0][1]}}