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Qlik QSDA2022 Exam Dumps - Actual Questions Answers

Qlik Sense Data Architect Certification Exam-2022

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  • Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
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QSDA2022 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

The Marketing department is using some similar KPIs in different apps that need to be modified frequently according to the business needs. The KPIs are created using master items with the same expression.

Which method should the data architect use to manage the modifications in all apps?


Create a variable repository and load them using INCLUDE statements in the apps where needed


Create a selection app with all the master items and use an on-demand app generation method.


Create a core app with all the master items needed and use a BINARY load in the other apps.


Create only a single app with all the master items needed and protect it with SECTION ACCESS.

Question # 2

Refer to the exhibit.


A data architect loads sales data and creates a table which shows only customers who made purchases in 2018 and 2019. The data architect applies the following set analysis expression on the sales measure. Count<{})>} Customer ID)

Which option shows the resulting table after the expression is applied?










Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D

Question # 3

A data architect of an organization that has implemented Qlik Sense on Windows needs to load large amounts of data from a database that is continuously updated

New records are added, and existing records get updated and deleted. Each record has a LastModified field.

All existing records are exported into a QVD file. The data architect wants to load the records into Qlik Sense efficiently.

Which steps should the data architect take to meet these requirements?


1 Load the existing data from the QVD

2. Load the new and updated data from the database without the rows that have just been loaded from the QVD and concatenate with data from the QVD

3. Load all records from the key field from the database and use an INNER JOIN on the previous table


1. Load the existing data from the QVD

2. Load new and updated data from the database Concatenate with the table loaded from the QVD.

3. Create a separate table for the deleted rows and use a WHERE NOT EXISTS to remove these records


1. Use a partial LOAD to load new and updated data from the database.

2. Load the existing data from the QVD without the updated rows that have just been loaded from the database and concatenate with the new and updated records

3. Use the PEEK function to remove the deleted rows


1 Load the new and updated data from the database.

2. Load the existing data from the QVD without the updated rows that have just been loaded from the database and concatenate with the new and updated records.

3. Load all records from the key field from the database and use an INNER JOIN on the previous table.

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Qlik QSDA2022 Exam Dumps FAQs

1. What is the Qlik Sense Data Architect (QSDA2022) Certification Exam?

The Qlik Sense Data Architect (QSDA2022) Certification Exam is designed to validate your knowledge and understanding of data modeling, data transformations, and data connectivity within the Qlik Sense environment. By earning this credential, you demonstrate your expertise in designing efficient data models, handling data transformations, and optimizing data structures for Qlik Sense applications.

2. Who is the target audience for the Qlik QSDA2022 Exam?

The Qlik QSDA2022 Exam is intended for professionals who work with data and aim to enhance their expertise in utilizing Qlik Sense for data analytics and visualization. This includes data architects, business analysts, developers, and anyone involved in the design and implementation of data solutions using Qlik Sense.

3. What topics are covered in the Qlik QSDA2022 Exam?

The Qlik QSDA2022 exam assesses your knowledge in the following areas:

  1. Identifying Requirements (20%): Understand primary requirements, stakeholders, metrics, levels of granularity, and security needs.
  2. Data Connectivity (8%): Determine data sources, connectors, and connection methods.
  3. Data Model Design (28%): Identify measures and attributes, choose appropriate data model types, optimize data models, and implement efficient data structures.
  4. Data Transformations (38%): Build data content, handle null and blank data, document data load scripts, manage date handling, and organize scripts.
  5. Validation (6%): Validate and test both scripts and data

4. How many questions are there in the Qlik QSDA2022 Exam?

The Qlik QSDA2022 exam consists of 50 questions.

5. How long is the Qlik QSDA2022 Exam?

Candidates have 120 minutes to complete the Qlik QSDA2022 exam.

6. What is the passing score for the Qlik QSDA2022 Exam?

To pass the Qlik QSDA2022 exam, you need to achieve a minimum score of 60%.

7. How can DumpsMate help in preparing for the Qlik QSDA2022 Exam?

DumpsMate offers a comprehensive set of QSDA2022 exam questions, including real questions, practice questions, and exam dumps, along with detailed explanations. Our QSDA2022 study materials, available in PDF format and through our testing engine, provide a structured approach to prepare for the Qlik Sense Data Architect Certification, ensuring thorough understanding of the concepts and boosting confidence for success.

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Yes, DumpsMate ensures that all questions provided for the Qlik QSDA2022 Exam are authentic and based on real QSDA2022 exam questions. Our QSDA2022 dumps material is meticulously curated to reflect the diversity and complexity of questions that candidates may encounter in the actual exam, thus providing an accurate representation of the exam environment.

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DumpsMate stands by its commitment to helping candidates succeed in the Qlik QSDA2022 Exam. Our study materials are designed to enhance understanding, retention, and application of key concepts tested in the exam. With our carefully crafted QSDA2022 practice questions, explanations, and QSDA2022 study guides, candidates can effectively prepare for the exam and increase their chances of success.

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TESTED 21 Feb 2025