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CIPP-US Questions and Answers

Question # 1


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION:

You are the chief privacy officer at HealthCo, a major hospital in a large U.S. city in state A. HealthCo is a HIPAA-covered entity that provides healthcare services to more than 100,000 patients. A third-party cloud computing service provider, CloudHealth, stores and manages the electronic protected health information (ePHI) of these individuals on behalf of HealthCo. CloudHealth stores the data in state B. As part of HealthCo’s business associate agreement (BAA) with CloudHealth, HealthCo requires CloudHealth to implement security measures, including industry standard encryption practices, to adequately protect the data. However, HealthCo did not perform due diligence on CloudHealth before entering the contract, and has not conducted audits of CloudHealth’s security measures.

A CloudHealth employee has recently become the victim of a phishing attack. When the employee unintentionally clicked on a link from a suspicious email, the PHI of more than 10,000 HealthCo patients was compromised. It has since been published online. The HealthCo cybersecurity team quickly identifies the perpetrator as a known hacker who has launched similar attacks on other hospitals – ones that exposed the PHI of public figures including celebrities and politicians.

During the course of its investigation, HealthCo discovers that CloudHealth has not encrypted the PHI in accordance with the terms of its contract. In addition, CloudHealth has not provided privacy or security training to its employees. Law enforcement has requested that HealthCo provide its investigative report of the breach and a copy of the PHI of the individuals affected.

A patient affected by the breach then sues HealthCo, claiming that the company did not adequately protect the individual’s ePHI, and that he has suffered substantial harm as aresult of the exposed data. The patient’s attorney has submitted a discovery request for the ePHI exposed in the breach.

Of the safeguards required by the HIPAA Security Rule, which of the following is NOT at issue due to HealthCo’s actions?


Administrative Safeguards


Technical Safeguards


Physical Safeguards


Security Safeguards

Question # 2

What is the main purpose of the Global Privacy Enforcement Network?


To promote universal cooperation among privacy authorities


To investigate allegations of privacy violations internationally


To protect the interests of privacy consumer groups worldwide


To arbitrate disputes between countries over jurisdiction for privacy laws

Question # 3


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION:

You are the chief privacy officer at HealthCo, a major hospital in a large U.S. city in state A. HealthCo is a HIPAA-covered entity that provides healthcare services to more than 100,000 patients. A third-party cloud computing service provider, CloudHealth, stores and manages the electronic protected health information (ePHI) of these individuals on behalf of HealthCo. CloudHealth stores the data in state B. As part of HealthCo’s business associate agreement (BAA) with CloudHealth, HealthCo requires CloudHealth to implement securitymeasures, including industry standard encryption practices, to adequately protect the data. However, HealthCo did not perform due diligence on CloudHealth before entering the contract, and has not conducted audits of CloudHealth’s security measures.

A CloudHealth employee has recently become the victim of a phishing attack. When the employee unintentionally clicked on a link from a suspicious email, the PHI of more than 10,000 HealthCo patients was compromised. It has since been published online. The HealthCo cybersecurity team quickly identifies the perpetrator as a known hacker who has launched similar attacks on other hospitals – ones that exposed the PHI of public figures including celebrities and politicians.

During the course of its investigation, HealthCo discovers that CloudHealth has not encrypted the PHI in accordance with the terms of its contract. In addition, CloudHealth has not provided privacy or security training to its employees. Law enforcement has requested that HealthCo provide its investigative report of the breach

and a copy of the PHI of the individuals affected.

A patient affected by the breach then sues HealthCo, claiming that the company did not adequately protect the individual’s ePHI, and that he has suffered substantial harm as a result of the exposed data. The patient’s attorney has submitted a discovery request for the ePHI exposed in the breach.

What is the most effective kind of training CloudHealth could have given its employees to help prevent this type of data breach?


Training on techniques for identifying phishing attempts


Training on the terms of the contractual agreement with HealthCo


Training on the difference between confidential and non-public information


Training on CloudHealth’s HR policy regarding the role of employees involved data breaches

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Related Certification Exams


1. What is the IAPP CIPP-US Exam?

The IAPP CIPP-US (Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States) Exam is a globally recognized credential that validates your understanding of U.S. private-sector privacy laws and regulations. Earning this certification demonstrates your expertise in navigating the complex landscape of data privacy in the U.S.

2. Who should take the IAPP CIPP-US Exam?

The IAPP CIPP-US exam is ideal for privacy professionals, compliance officers, lawyers, IT security specialists, and anyone working with personal data in the U.S. It's a valuable asset for those seeking to advance their careers in privacy.

3. What topics are covered in the IAPP CIPP-US Exam?

The IAPP CIPP-US exam covers privacy laws, regulations, and frameworks, including GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and more. It also assesses your understanding of privacy principles, data protection practices, and risk management.

4. Are there any prerequisites for taking the IAPP CIPP-US Exam?

There are no specific prerequisites. Anyone interested in privacy and data protection can take the exam. However, having some background knowledge in privacy practices is beneficial.

5. How many questions are on the IAPP CIPP-US exam, and how long do I have to complete it?

The IAPP CIPP-US exam consists of 90 questions, and you have 2.5 hours to complete it.

6. What is the passing score for the IAPP CIPP-US Exam?

The passing score for the IAPP CIPP-US exam is 300 out of 500.

7. What is the difference between the IAPP CIPP-US and IAPP CIPP-E Certification Exams?

The key difference between the IAPP CIPP-US and CIPP-E certifications lies in their geographical focus:

  • CIPP-US (Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States): The IAPP CIPP-US Exam validates your expertise in U.S. private-sector privacy laws and regulations. It's ideal for professionals working with personal data within the United States.

  • CIPP-E (Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe): The IAPP CIPP-E Exam focuses on European data protection laws, with a particular emphasis on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It caters to those working with data subject to European privacy regulations.

8. How can DumpsMate help me prepare for the IAPP CIPP-US Exam?

DumpsMate offers comprehensive exam preparation materials, including CIPP-US PDF questions, exam dumps, and practice questions with detailed explanations. Our IAPP CIPP-US study materials are designed to help you understand the concepts thoroughly and prepare effectively for the exam.

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Yes, DumpsMate offers a success guarantee with our study materials. We provide CIPP-US real questions and answers to ensure you are well-prepared, and our CIPP-US exam dumps questions are regularly updated to reflect the latest exam content.

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TESTED 22 Feb 2025