Challenge 3 - Task 3 of 4
Set Up a Bastion Host to Access the Compute Instance in a Private Subnet Scenario
A compute instance is provisioned in a private subnet that is not accessible through the Internet. To access the compute instance resource in a private subnet, you must provide a time-bound SSH session without deploying and maintaining a public subnet and a jump server, which eliminates the hassle and potential attack surface from remote access.
To complete this deployment, you have to perform the following tasks in the environment provisioned for you:
• Configure a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) and a Private Subnet.
• Provision a Compute Instance in the private subnet and enable Bastion Plugin.
• Create a Bastion and Bastion session.
• Connect to a compute instance using Managed SSH session.
Note: You are provided with access to an OCI Tenancy, an assigned compartment, and OCI credentials. Throughout your exam, ensure to use the assigned Compartment 99233424-C01 and Region us-ashburn-1
Complete the following tasks in the provisioned OCI environment:
1. Create a Bastion with the name SPPBTBASTION99233424-lab.user01
[Eliminate Specical Characters] Eg:SPPBTBASTION992831403labuser13
2. Create a Session with the name PBT-1-Session-01, for compute instance in private subnet, with default username as "opc"